Well, it's that time of year again. That time when grocery stores fill with turkeys, diets are forgotten, and our mouths begin to water for a big slice of grandma's homemade pumpkin pie. I can always tell when Thanksgiving is almost here. And, I'm sure I am not the only one that notices the business that encompasses this time of year. With Christmas swiftly approaching, people are beginning to fret over presents and travel plans. And, as with most holidays, Thanksgiving is celebrated with big dinners or parties. It becomes all too easy to see Thanksgiving dinner as just another chore to check off the list. As this year's day of thanks approaches, I've been pondering about what this day is truly about and why we celebrate it to begin with. The other day, I ran across this quote that really struck me. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Good words to go by, I say. Many times I feel we just go through the motions of Thanksgiving, saying thanks because we feel we ought to, giving cards and homemade pies so we can say we did, or doing a good deed simply because we think we should. But, it's not always about what we do, but the attitude in which we do it. We should live each day with a heart full of gratitude and thankfulness. The actions will follow. A little change in attitude can make a huge difference in how we live each day. What if , instead of getting angry or stressed over our loads of homework, we were grateful for being able to receive an education to begin with? Or, what if instead of complaining of needing to clean the house, we were thankful to have a house that we can clean? I challenge you to try to keep a heartfelt attitude of gratefulness this Thanksgiving. I know I will do my best. Well, that's all I have for now, friends! Thanks for reading :)